California SAF Centennial Recognition

centennial1The California Society of American Foresters was recognized with the Francis H. Raymond on August 24, 2016. The award given by the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (BOF) acknowledged California SAF (CA SAF) for their 100 years and their longstanding commitment to excellence in the field of forestry. In its recognition, the Board noted that CA SAF is, “Committed to the highest standards in forestry, members work to balance diverse demands on natural resources while setting the highest standards in forest management, bringing science, best practices, and quality foresters together to advance the field of forestry through professional and public education. These efforts include sponsorship of the Forestry Institute for Teachers and Forest Conservation Days – a weeklong event for 5th graders that has reached over 60,000 students. CA SAF also participates in national accreditation of California universities and state college forestry curriculums and provides continuing education certification for forestry-related educational programs. The plaque was presented by Keith Gilles, Chair of the Board of Forestry. William Snyder, Northern California SAF Chair and Julie Lydick, Centennial Chair were on hand to receive the award.

Additionally, California SAF was awarded a proclamation, Members Resolution No. 911, August 25, 2016 by the Honorable Brian Dahle, 1st Assembly District and the Honorable Mike McGuire, 2nd Senatorial District. The proclamation commends the California Society of American Foresters on the celebration of its one-hundredth anniversary and on the vital role it has played in advancing the forestry profession in the State of California and extended best wishes for continued success in the future.


California SAF 2016 Summer Meeting: A Centennial Celebration – Professional Forestry in California

Date: August 25-26, 2016

Location: Oakhurst and Bass Lake Area

The Society of American Foresters started in California in 1916. We are celebrating our centennial year, and have chosen the southern Sierra Nevada as the location for our meeting. The Thursday meeting will take place at the Chukchansi Resort in Coarsegold, California.

for Details & Registration

This location is convenient to both Southern California and Northern California members of the forestry community. The Friday session will feature an exciting panel discussion entitled, “Forests, People and Ecosystems-in California-Predictions Regarding the Next Century.” We have many of the leaders in forestry in the state confirmed. We’ll also celebrate the Centennial of SAF in California with a banquet you won’t want to miss, with an special dinner presentation entitled, “An Evening with Gifford Pinchot.”

Friday’s field trip will be to various field locations in the nearby Bass Lake area. This region is particularly hard hit by massive drought-induced mortality. We’ll see the evidence of the die-off, and see examples of how local managers are moving forward with restoration efforts. This area is the focal point for Governor Brown’s executive order and action plan on forest health, and we’ll discuss progress on this multi-stakeholder effort.

Yosemite National Park in Yosemite Valley on HY 41. Shows some dead clumps.
Yosemite National Park in Yosemite Valley on HY 41. Shows some dead clumps. Photo By Thomas W. Catchpole

Draft Agenda:

Thursday August 25 – Chukchansi Resort
9:00 to 12:00 AM – NorCal and SoCal Executive Committee Meeting
1:30 to 2:30 PM – Registration
2:30 to 5:00PM – Centennial Panel-Forests, People and Ecosystems-in California-Predictions Regarding the Next Century
5:00 to 6:00 PM – Silent Auction and Social Hour
6:00 to 6:45 PM – Acknowledging California SAF Centennial
7:00 to 8:30PM – Dinner and Dinner Program “An Evening with Gifford Pinchot” – Gary Hines

Friday August 26th – Load buses at Chukchansi Resort
7:30 to 8:00 AM-Continental Breakfast
8:00 to 8:15AM-Load Buses
8:00 AM to 2:45 PM – Field Trip – Bass Lake Region – Topics include:
Predictive models for forecasting tree mortality
Scope and Scale of Southern Sierra Tree Mortality
Treatment priorities and implementation
Briefing on Governor’s Executive Order and action plan
Forest Management tools to reduce mortality
Utilization challenges
2:45-3:00 PM Load Buses for Return Trip
3:00 to 4:00 PM- Travel to Chukchansi Resort


California SAF Celebrates 100 Years

CA SAF 100 Years LogoThe celebration of 100 years of the California Society of American Foresters is well underway.  Northern and Southern California SAF started as one state society in 1916. Earlier this year a vote was taken and the two State societies are taking steps to merge back together.

Celebration of the Centennial started with development of a special logo (It is available for use by chapters). At the winter meeting held in Santa Rosa, CA, January 2016, Char Miller SAF member and Professor of Environmental Analysis at Pomona College and author of several books such as The Greatest Good; 100 Years of Forestry in America (1999, second edition 2004), and  America’s Great National Forests, Wilderness and Grasslands (March 2016) spoke about our history as we reflected on the future of forestry in California.

In order to promote our Centennial we have acquired two Forester Fund grants for a total of $3,000 and have plans to submit for special Forester Fund grants in the June cycle that allow for grants of up-to $5,000 each. We also started a fund raising campaign, you may have received an email request. Details are at or  you can mail a check to the business office (NorCal SAF, P.O. Box 1034, Murphys, CA 95247).

In addition to our appreciation for your donation, each donor will be recognized as:

  • $100 or greater – Platinum donor
  • $75 – Gold donor
  • $50 – Silver donor
  • $25 – Bronze donor

Fund raising will support capturing insights (video and audio) from SAF Golden Members about SAF’s role in California forestry as well as their own specific experiences. The plan is to produce 12 videos over the course of the next year, and use these to reach out to the public, media, policy makers, youth and our membership with fascinating history about the rich contribution of SAF in California over the past century. The Forest History Society has offered to archive the oral histories at their headquarters. Volunteer support is needed for this project. Wendy Snyder is the contact.

The summer meeting will continue to focus on our Centennial celebration with special commemorative topics and items.

Chapters are encouraged to utilize the Centennial theme at local events. We have established a Facebook page, California Society of American Foresters, and welcome photos or posts of your activities. Post as a guest or send your posts to Jane LaBoa, Julie Lydick, Carlin Starrs or Chris Bielecki.

The Centennial committee includes: Julie Lydick, Bill Snyder, Wendy Snyder, Rick Standiford, J. Lopez, John Todd, Tamara Hanna, Brian Barrette, Doug Wickizer and Jane LaBoa. We are coordinating centennial activities through monthly conference calls.

Join the California Society of American Foresters Facebook Page so you can keep up with Centennial activities!

California State Societies of American Foresters Centennial

CA SAF 100 Years LogoPlans are proceeding to celebrate the centennial of the California SAF, which was established in 1916. Although the state is currently two state societies, it originally was set up representing the entire state.

At the joint NorCal-SoCal summer meeting, a steering committee was established to organize activities to celebrate and promote the centennial. The committee includes: Julie Lydick, Rick Standiford, Wendy Snyder, Bill Snyder, Doug Wickizer, Tamara Hanna, J. Lopez and Brian Barrette. Based on the discussion at the summer meeting, the concept of the project was expanded to two years. In 2016 we will focus on celebrating and promoting the history of SAF’s contributions to forestry in California. The following year we will look forward to strategizing the next century of SAF involvement in promoting forestry.

Great progress has already been made. We initiated a contest with the student SAF chapters to develop a centennial logo. The chapter with the winning design will win $500. The plan is to announce the winner and unveil the logo at the NoCal-SoCal joint winter meeting in January. We have received two $1,500 Forester Fund grants from SAF. These funds will be used to develop special displays and to document the history of California SAF’s contributions to forestry.

Plans are underway to incorporate the centennial theme into the winter meeting. Jane LaBoa has agreed to help us set up a Facebook page, where we can post information about California SAF and centennial activities. Our steering committee will be digging into the historical files, so we can generate interesting stories that communicate the role of SAF in promoting professional forestry.

We need more help. We’d like to involve chapters or individual members who would like to capture the history of SAF in news articles, interviews, or by contributing historical photos. We’d like to add a few more positions to our steering committee to help with publicity, fund raising and developing a state proclamation recognizing California SAF for its contributions. Contact me if you can help. Julie Lydick, email:

If you would like a copy of the centennial celebration plan or would like to get involved, email Julie Lydick at