Latest Past Events

CalSAF BOD Meeting

CalSAF Board of Directors virtual meeting

Cal Forestry Club Christmas Tree Sale

Come ready for the Christmas Tree Season with a hand-cut tree by UC Berkeley Forestry students. Trees are $11 per foot. Cash, check or Venmo are accepted.  Sun 8 AM- 4 PM, Mon-Wed 4Pm- 6 PM (unless sold out early). Mulford Hall, UC Berkeley South side of building, 130 Hilgard Way.

Cal Forestry Club Christmas Tree Sale

Come ready for the Christmas Tree Season with a hand-cut tree by UC Berkeley Forestry students. Trees are $11 per foot. Cash, check or Venmo are accepted.  Sun 8 AM- 4 PM, Mon-Wed 4 PM- 6 PM (unless sold out early). Mulford Hall, UC Berkeley South side of building, 130 Hilgard Way.